Location: Mayfield School - Portsmouth
Date: 11/02/2025
Time: 9am - 11am

Business Speed Networking - Mayfield School- 11th February 2025 - Year 10

This session is designed to help inspire students about the range of career options and pathways open to them after finishing school. Students are often not aware of the range of options and can get limited information from sources close to them for example parents or teachers. By taking part in the Business Speed Networking sessions we hope to raise their aspirations and show them the broad range of career opportunities locally and nationally.

Students ask Business Volunteers questions about their job, company and industry. The students rotate around the room to a different employer every 15 minutes. We encourage volunteers to bring small props or banners to help the students learn about their business.

Volunteering is a great way to do good, share skills and volunteer. There are also many additional benefits including:

  • Being able to give back to your community.
  • Increasing your motivation for your own job.
  • CPD opportunities to help you develop communication skills, confidence skills, presentation skills, leadership skills etc.

Volunteer Sign Up Form

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