Location: CEMAST - Fareham College
Date: 06/03/2024
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm

Solent Primary Schools' STEM Fair 2024 Day 2 – Schools

Primary Schools' STEM Fair Logo Solent with 2023 Partner (2)

The Solent Primary Schools’ STEM Fair allows young people to take part in interactive STEM activities with local businesses. This helps educate them about different career options and challenges perceptions about different roles.

The aim is for young people to have fun, take part in a STEM activity and at the end link the STEM activity to different job roles, so they can see that if they can build a toy car, they could build other things and if they had fun they might enjoy a career in that industry.

Young people will be in groups that will rotate throughout the day between the businesses. This event can help schools and young people:

  • Meet OFSTED targets.
  • Meet the CDI Framework.
  • Learn about a huge variety of careers in the area.
  • ‘Have a go’ at different skills and discover their talents.
  • Speak to employers about real jobs.
  • Be involved in quizzes and competitions to win fantastic prizes.

Event Timings

Arrival and finishing times will be slightly staggered 0900-1400, 0930-1430 or 1000-1500. Students will be required to stay for the duration of the event and will be required to bring a packed lunch for which they will have a 30 minute lunch break to eat it in.


This event costs £10 per student to attend. If your pupils wish to attend exciting event please complete the online booking form.