Interview Preparation Day – Saint George Catholic College
Location: Saint George Catholic College - Southampton
EBP South’s Business Volunteering connects employees and young people together through established employability sessions to enable them to both share and develop their skills. This creates two vital opportunities for organisations to upskill their current workforce and, at the same time, directly upskill the future workforce. Employees can develop a range of transferable skills which are beneficial for their own personal development and can help to support employees if they are looking to take on a leadership or a line management role.
Employees are able to develop their skills through an essential practical approach of taking part in the volunteering opportunities and, through a reflective training session employees are able to constructively understand how they have developed their skills.
The events businesses can take part in include:
This session is designed to help inspire students about the range of career options and pathways open to them after finishing school. Students are often not aware of the range of options and can get limited information from sources close to them for example parents or teachers. By taking part in the Business Speed Networking sessions we hope to raise their aspirations and show them the broad range of career opportunities locally and nationally.
Students ask Business Volunteers questions about their job, company and industry. The students rotate around the room to a different employer every 15 minutes. We encourage volunteers to bring small props or banners to help the students learn about their business.
Students will have a 10-minute interview with a Business Volunteer. EBP South will provide volunteers with a list of questions at the beginning of the event about competencies, interests etc. Volunteers are also welcome to prepare their own questions if they would like to. At the end the volunteers provide the students with feedback on their communication skills, body language, CV etc.
This session is designed to help students gain an understanding of how to prepare for an interview. It is an opportunity to practice their employability skills, identify suitable interview behaviours and participate in team tasks. An EBP Staff member will deliver the session with Business Volunteers supporting the activities and providing their own experiences.
Primary school children guess business volunteers’ jobs by asking ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions. Volunteers are given ‘yes’ and ‘no’ cards to hold up and can have props to help them guess their job. Students are in small groups and will rotate around the room.
A fun challenge that will give students the chance to test and show some of the skills and qualities they’ve learnt during Year 7. For example communication, team work, resilience or problem solving. Testing these skills and qualities will help prepare them for the rest of their school years and working life.
Location: Saint George Catholic College - Southampton
Location: Springfield School - Portsmouth
Location: Saint Georges Catholic College - Southampton
Location: Mayfield School - Portsmouth
Location: Weston Secondary School
Location: Hounsdown School
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