Careers Guidance

EBP South provides in-person and virtual careers education, information, advice and guidance services for schools, led by high quality, qualified and experienced staff. We have direct links to local employers, colleges, training providers and universities.

The careers service we provide is flexible, with options for one-to-one information, advice and guidance; virtual one-to-one information, advice and guidance, small or large group work; attendance at parents’/open evenings; support to collect student destination data and other information.

We are proud to hold the Matrix accreditation considered the “gold standard”. It is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver information, advice and/or guidance.

We ensure our careers service supports your school in meeting the requirements for OFSTED and the ‘Gatsby Benchmarks’.

“Good careers guidance helps to bridge the worlds of education and work and is vital for economic prosperity and growth. It also contributes to social justice because it is young people who do not have strong family or social connections to different careers who benefit most from careers guidance. When young people make supported and informed choices about their future study, training and work options, they are better able to maximise their talents and realise their ambitions.” Good Career Guidance: The Next 10 Years. The Gatsby Charitable Foundation.

Careers guidance:

  • 1:1 virtual interviews
  • 1:1 interviews
  • Small group interviews
  • Small group virtual interviews
  • Qualified, experienced staff
  • Support for career events in schools
  • Support for open days, parents and options evenings
  • Support for destination data
  • Regular reports to schools
  • Student action plans


Increased awareness of:

  • Range of career pathways
  • Future career choices
  • Positive post 16 and post 18 destinations

As a result of this students may become:

  • More self-aware
  • Inspired

In-person and virtual delivery

At EBP South we offer both in-person and virtual Careers Guidance to schools and colleges. The type of careers service you are looking for will depend on the type of delivery you require.

Many of our schools have one or two careers advisers designated to their school that will have their own office or regular space in the school which enables them to work directly with students and teachers across the school. During lockdowns we are able to continune to provide careers services to schools through our virtual provision.

We have a virtual services careers service for 1:1 virtual interviews and small group virtual interviews. These can be set up through the schools online platforms or EBP South can set this up using Teams or Zoom.

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Work Experience Queries - If you are a student/parent with a work experience query you will need to speak to the Careers Lead at your school. We are contracted to the schools and communicate directly with them. There is some guidance on our resources page should we not work with your school and you need careers support.
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