Briefly describe the goal that led your organisation to EBP South.
Eaton has both local and corporate goals to support and improve our communities through active participation in local activities. As a technology focused organisation its vital to secure a strong pipeline of future talent through investment in STEM activities and EBP South are able to provide that linkage back to the local community.
Why did you choose to work with EBP South?
EBP South have strong and close relationships with local education establishments and therefore provides the ideal segway between Eaton’s STEM commitment and the workforce of the future. They organise many differing types of events which allows us to reach out to young people with varied interests and aspirations.
What actions/activities have taken place with EBP South to reach your goal?
Eaton has collaborated with EBP South on many and varied activities, including career fairs, employer interviews and Employer Engagement Project GCSE Maths lesson of “Algebra in the Workplace”. As the largest employer in the area these activities have enables us to share the full range of employability skills and employment opportunities Eaton offers, whether that be direct entry or apprenticeship roles.
What has been the most valuable aspect of working with EBP South, and why?
The challenges associated with direct access coupled with the downturn in the aerospace business and associated change in staff, led to a breakdown of close relationships with local educational establishments. Working with EBP South and leveraging their goals has enabled Eaton to re-build those relationships.
Would you recommend that others work with us, and if so, why?
Eaton would recommend consideration of working with EBP South to any organisation keen to support the development of the country’s future workforce. They enable relationships to be developed with educational establishments and hence the opportunity to share the necessary employability skills and breakdown stereotype diversity barriers.
What call to action would you give to other organisations considering working with EBP South?
Participation in EBP South organised events will allow any organisation direct access to tomorrow’s work force. This provides opportunities to not only both excite and inspire, but also get feedback on compensation benefits and work life balance expectations of this generation.