Briefly describe the goal that led you to EBP South.
I wanted to “give something back” and support the younger generations into the world of entrepreneurship and business start-up.
Why did you choose to work with EBP South?
I was introduced to one of the team via a friend and it fitted with exactly what I was looking for when considering how to give back and support young budding entrepreneurs.
What activities have taken place with EBP South to reach your goal?
I have been a guest speaker at schools over the last few months and have already had some great feedback from the students that they have been inspired to pursue their own business start-up ideas – 1 group of students have already launched their start-up and started generating income, which is great to see!
What has been the most valuable aspect of working with EBP South, and why?
The feedback from the students that they have been inspired from my talk to go and consider business start-up as a route into the real world. I have no doubt a handful of these students will go on to start and grow businesses, if that is the case then that’s the real world value right there.
Would you recommend that others work with us, and if so, why?
I would, it’s a well organised programme with a great team and I am sure the students will see much value from meeting and interacting with a wide range of businesses and organisations across disciplines.
What call to action would you give to other people considering working with EBP South?
Do it. The rewards well outweigh the commitment